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Urgent: Ask MI Legislators to Vote No on SB 275/HR 5083

Please contact the following bill sponsors and ask them to vote NO on SB 275 and HB 5083. Urge them to vote no on this bill because it will cause a large increase in CAFOs in Michigan and will only make our carbon emission go up, not down. Industrial animal agriculture doesn’t need another subsidy that will further consolidate the industry and put smaller farmers out of business. As a state government, we need to stop subsidizing factory farms and the biogas they produce at the expense of sustainable farmers and genuinely clean, renewable energy like wind and solar. Contact Bill Sponsors.

Michiganders for a Just Farming System

We are a grassroots coalition working to address factory farming and the harmful impacts it has on small family farmers, communities, farm animals, the climate, and the natural resources of Michigan.

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Our coalition is made up of farmers, individuals, and organizations.