Michiganders for a Just Farming System
Mission Statement:
We are a grassroots coalition working to address factory farming and the harmful impacts it has on small family farmers, communities, farm animals, the climate, and the natural resources of Michigan.
Plan of Action
- Build a large coalition of diverse individuals and organizations who will play an active role in creating change.
- Work with federal, state, and local governments and agencies.
- Work with Michigan teaching institutions to phase out industrial farming curricula and replace it with diversified, regenerative farming practices.
- Promote local regenerative farms that practice equitable working conditions, as well as high animal welfare and environmental standards.
Vision for the Future
Michigan farmers are celebrated because of the healthy food they provide to their local community. Michigan farmers practice regenerative, diversified farming methods and these farmers are given the support they need to thrive. These farms are sustainable and practice meaningful welfare standards that allow farm animals to live a natural life on pasture. All levels of government support this farming model through legislation and agency appointments and Michigan’s teaching institutions teach only regenerative, diversified farming practices. Factory farms are a distant memory and so are the devastated rural communities, mistreated animals, manure pits, toxic algae blooms, and closed beaches in the summer. Michiganders personally know their farmers and everyone is working together to make Michigan a model for other states and the rest of the world to follow.